A complex feed supplement intended for inclusion in horse rations for the purpose of improving metabolism, restoring intestinal microflora, for stimulation of sexual function, as an immunomodulating agent.


  • Carbohydrates (polysaccharides): 20 g
  • Сrude protein: 17 g
  • Minerals (K, Ca, Na, Mg, Fe, P, Cu, Se): 8 g
  • Polyphenols (phytomelanine, terpenoids, biotin, lecithin):7 g


  • Antioxidant. The fodder AKTILIT contains POLYPHENOLS – an antioxidant of a new generation, which protects DNA from damage by free radicals. Thanks to this, the state of animal health improves significantly and reproduction rates increase (spermatogenesis in stallions and ovulation in mares), bone, muscular and connective tissue strengthens, the condition of the coat and hoof horn improves. Horses easily tolerate stress, which occurs when the air temperature is high, changing the diet, regrouping, transporting, vaccinating, etc.
  • Prebiotic. The fodder AKTILIT complex contains natural stimulators of healthy intestinal microflora growth – prebiotics (polysaccharides, polyphenols, terrenoids). Due to the improvement of the microflora, the percentage of diseases with the colitis simtomocomplex is significantly reduced, the digestibility of the feed improves, and the pH in the large intestine is stabilized.
  • Phytobiotic. Unlike synthetic antibiotics, natural phytobiotics do not cause side reactions, the pathogenic microflora is not resistant to them.In sunflower seeds substances – phytobiotics are contained in excess. Suppressing the pathogenic microflora, the AKTILIT complex supports the development of beneficial microorganisms and promotes the healing of gastric and duodenal ulcers. Positive effect was noted for respiratory diseases.
  • Source of SAM-e (S-adenosylmethionine). SAM-e increases the activity of chondrocytes, which leads to the destruction of the old cartilage to make place for new, or recycling and renewal.SAM-e also increases the concentration of synovial fluid 3-4 times, helping to lubricate the joints. It prevents the destruction of proteoglycans, cartilage molecules that hold water, and make the joints flexible and well „cocked”;
  • Source of minerals. AKTILIT complex contains about 7% of mineral substances in a bioavailable form, including magnesium, iron, and copper deficient in horse diets.
  • Source of chlorogenic acid. Chlorogenic acid (from the Greek „chloros” – dark green, natural fat burner).  Also, chlorogenic acid has a slight psycho-stimulating effect, which affects well the desire of horses to work and participate in competitions.


Daily with fodder 100-150 ml per head.



A complex fodder supplement intended for inclusion in rations of horses carrying increased training or competitive loads. It differs from the AKTILIT complex with a high content of salts of electrolytes (Na, K, Ca, Cl, P). Using AKTILIT sport allows horses to withstand long-term loads and restore the balance of salts.

Due to the high content of antioxidants, horses are more tolerant of hypoxic load, the results of long distance performances and in disciplines requiring increased endurance are improved.

Application of AKTILIT sport significantly affects the excretion of lactic acid and the rapid restoration of muscle tone (report M. Kovach, 2016).


  • Carbohydrates (polysaccharides): 27 g
  • Crude protein: 11 g
  • Mineral substances (K, Ca, Na, Mg, Fe, P, Cu, Se): 11 g
  • Polyphenols (phytomelanine, terpenoids, biotin, lecithin): 8 g


Daily in the period of intensive training and competitions with 150-200 ml per head a feed. The effect of antioxidants (polyphenols) persists for 12 hours, it is recommended the daily dose be divided into 2 doses.